Horse Racing
Season 2021/2022
2021 Sep
Mark Six Mid-Autumn Festival Snowball tickets on sale from tomorrow
Estimated First Division Prize Fund could reach $80 million

15/09/2021 10:59

This year’s Mark Six Mid-Autumn Festival Snowball draw* will be held next Tuesday (21 September). It will carry a snowball of $60 million, while the First Division Prize Fund could reach $80 million.

“Lucky numbers” from previous Mid-Autumn Festival Snowball draws
Mid-Autumn Festival hosts the longest-running snowball draw, having been held 35 times. Over those years, numbers “7” and “15” have been drawn ten times and nine times, respectively. Meanwhile, numbers “12”, “28”, “40” and “43” have all been drawn eight times. These numbers could be considered lucky (see table below).

“Lucky Numbers” for the past Mid-Autumn Festival Snowball draws (including extra number)

Number of times drawn

7 10
15 9
12, 28, 40, 43 8 each

Tickets for Mid-Autumn Festival Snowball draw available from tomorrow
Mark Six tickets for the Mid-Autumn Festival Snowball draw will be available at Off-Course Betting Branches, Telebet (including 1886 Telebet Automated Services) and Interactive Services, including Online Betting Service (eWin) and Mobile Betting Service, after the draw on Thursday night (16 September). Tickets will be on sale until 9:15 pm on 21 September, the day of the draw.

Customers can now open a HKJC betting account via the “HKJC Account Opening” mobile app. With the app, customers no longer need to apply for account opening at Off-Course Betting Branches or racecourses, enabling convenient and efficient betting services. For more details about “HKJC Account Opening”, please visit The Hong Kong Jockey Club’s Smart Platform webpage at

To allow for more time to purchase tickets, the draw scheduled for Saturday, 18 September will not be held.

*Customers must be aged 18 or above

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