Horse Racing
Jockey H Bentley

03/11/2023 19:40

The Stewards today have determined that Jockey H Bentley be stood down from riding in all races, barrier trials and trackwork until such time that he attends an inquiry in relation to a potential disciplinary matter to be convened by the Stewards at a time and date to be fixed.

As a result, the following rider replacements have been approved by the Stewards for the Sha Tin racemeeting to be conducted on Sunday, 5 November 2023:

Race 2 Apprentice Y L Chung on BEAUTY DESTINY
Race 3 K De Melo on RUN RUN TIMING
Race 5 M Chadwick on GALAXY WITNESS
Race 6 L Ferraris on ARIEL
Race 7 K De Melo on NIMBLE NIMBUS
Race 8 A Badel on IMPERIAL MAGEE
Race 9 M F Poon on MASTER STROKE
Race 10 M Chadwick on BLUE MARLIN