Horse Racing
Appeal - Jockey Z Purton

16/09/2023 15:38

The Appeal lodged by Jockey Z Purton against the decision made by the Racing Stewards on 16 July 2023 to find him guilty of a breach of Rule 155 (5) when riding VANTASTIC CHOICE on 16 July 2023, and to fine him $20,000, was heard by the Stewards of the Jockey Club at 9:30 a.m. today.  Jockey Purton appealed against both the finding and the penalty imposed.

The Appeal Panel carefully considered all the evidence, including further evidence taken today.

The Panel exercised the power under Rule 134(3) and directed that the matter be referred to the Racing Stewards Panel for further hearing and consideration.

The Panel further ordered that the appeal fee deposit be refunded and made no order as to costs.