Horse Racing
Season 2021/2022
2022 Feb
Trainer Frankie F C Lor

28/02/2022 20:31

The Stewards today interviewed licensed trainer Frankie F C Lor regarding a matter referred to them in respect of recent cross-household gatherings at his residence contrary to the Rules and protocols imposed by the Club upon licensed persons in order to protect the racing bubble and enable racing to continue.  Mr Lor participated in the inquiry via Zoom.

Mr Lor pleaded guilty to a breach of Rule 155(3) of having acted in a manner prejudicial to the proper conduct of racing under the control and direction of the Club.

The charge was particularized as follows:

That as a trainer licensed by the Club for the current 2021/2022 racing season he did:-

1.         In a document submitted on his behalf on 17 February 2022 a list of his household members was provided to the Club.

2.          In the document submitted to the Club on his behalf on 17 February 2022 he did acknowledge that he understood the Club-imposed restrictions and protocols placed upon him.

3.         On at least 17 February 2022 and 25 February 2022 he did permit persons to enter and remain in his apartment for a period of time when such persons were, at all relevant times, not household members resident in the apartment.

4.         Permitting those persons to enter and remain in his apartment for a period of time on at least 17 February 2022 and 25 February 2022 when such persons were, at all relevant times, not household members resident in the apartment was contrary to a direction given to him and all licensed trainers and assistant trainers in writing on 14 February 2022 that cross-household gatherings should be suspended.

5.         By permitting those persons to enter and remain in his apartment for a period of time on at least 17 February 2022 and 25 February 2022, he did place at risk the racing bubble imposed by the Club to ensure the continuation of horse racing under the control and direction of the Club having regard to one of those persons subsequently testing Covid positive on 26 February 2022.

After considering all the relevant matters associated with penalty including but not limited to the significant potential ramifications of a breach of the Rules and protocols upon racing continuing and the need for deterrence, the Stewards were of the opinion that a fine of $600,000 was the appropriate penalty.

Mr Lor was advised of his right of appeal against this decision.  He was also advised, notwithstanding his right of appeal, that the Licensing Committee would be notified of the circumstances of this case and the penalty issued by the Stewards.

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