Horse Racing
Season 2021/2022
2022 Feb
Club Statement (5/2)

05/02/2022 12:36

The Hong Kong Jockey Club would like to update that all of the six direct contacts of the work rider who was tested preliminary positive yesterday morning have completed PCR testing and their results are all negative. In addition, trainer Chris So and all other employees in his stable were also tested overnight with negative results. All the employees living in the same residential building with the concerned work rider have also been tested negative.

The race meeting tomorrow will continue as scheduled. However, in light of the prevailing pandemic situation in the community, the Club has further decided that as an extra precautionary measure to avoid any possible public health risk, and to reduce the number of employees having to work at the racecourses, the upcoming race meetings starting from tomorrow will fall back to closed-door mode without Owners with starters.
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