Horse Racing
Trainer David Ferraris - Entered Horses Happy Valley Racemeeting, Wednesday, 10 February 2021

08/02/2021 13:39

At approximately 7:30 am this morning, a warning message was sent to Trainer David Ferraris’ stable computer advising that declarations for his previously entered horses for the racemeeting on the stated date had yet to be received.  At 8:00 am, the closing time of declarations as stipulated in the race prospectus, such declarations had still not been received and then were unable to be submitted in accordance with the Rules of Racing.

Rule 74(1) provides the following:-

“Every entry, acceptance and declaration shall be fixed to close at a place and time appointed by the Stewards of the Jockey Club and is subject to withdrawal or alteration up to the time of closing”.

Further, Rule 82(1) provides that, “All declarations must be submitted to the Registry Office by facsimile or e-mail by the date and time stipulated in the race prospectus.  Such declarations shall be subject to withdrawal or alteration up to the time fixed for declaration.”

As Mr Ferraris’ declarations had not been submitted by the stipulated time and, as such, the relevant Rules of Racing had not been complied with, the declarations of the following horses were not be able to be accepted:-

MING WARRIOR (Standby No. 1)
GOUTEN OF GARO (Standby No. 1)
CHARIZARD (Standby No. 2)

The Stewards will interview Mr Ferraris and his assistant trainer, Mr S L Tai, relative to this matter at a date and time yet to be finalized.