Horse Racing
Season 2020/2021
2021 Feb
Special arrangements for race meetings

04/02/2021 14:48

The Hong Kong Jockey Club (the Club) has obtained permission from the Government to organise horse racing on 6 February, 10 February, 14 February and 17 February under certain conditions. The Club would like to announce the following special arrangements for these race meetings:

1. Apart from trainers, jockeys, Club officials and persons essential to the operations of races, only Stewards, Owners and Voting Members with Seasonal Tables or have made advance bookings approved by the Club, and their family members or companions who are also the Club’s Members, will be admitted to the racecourses. No other guests will be admitted. For Owners without a Starter, only a limited number of tables will be available for bookings on a first-come, first-served basis. All entrants will have to abide by public health measures, including temperature screening before entry, filling in health declaration forms <download here> and wearing of face masks during the race meetings. In addition, smoking is not allowed inside the racecourses. Any customer who has travelled outside Hong Kong and is currently subject to a quarantine order issued by the Government or has been in close contact with such a person, has not undergone COVID-19 testing pursuant to a compulsory testing notice or direction with a negative result, lives in the same building as or has been in contact with a confirmed case within 14 days prior to the race day will not be admitted. In addition to public health measures, standard security measures at racecourse entrances will be applied to ensure racecourse safety.

2. To comply with the Government’s conditions, only one Owner of each Starter will be allowed to have access to the Parade Ring.  Furthermore, in line with social distancing rules, a distance of at least 1.5 metres will be maintained between groups of people inside the Parade Ring.

3. There will not be celebratory arrangements or ceremonies on the racecourses except for the purpose of trophy presentations and taking winning photos at the Winning Arch after each race.

4. The catering facilities on the racecourses will operate in full compliance with the requirements issued by the Secretary for Food and Health for the catering business such as accommodating no more than two persons per dining table, maintaining at least 1.5-metre distance between the tables and no selling or supplying of food or drink for consumption on the racecourses from 6 pm.

5. For the Sha Tin race meetings on 6 February and 14 February, the following facilities will be open on the Sha Tin Racecourse: Stewards Box on 7/F, Voting Members Box on 7/F, JC Box, Owners Pavilion, Owners Box on 1/F, 3/F, and 6/F. Racecourse Station of MTR East Rail Line and the Penfold Park car park will not open. Owners with Starters and Voting Members may park their cars at the Grandstand II and the Sha Tin Clubhouse car park respectively on a first-come, first-served basis.

6. For the Happy Valley race meetings on 10 February and 17 February, the following facilities will be open on the Happy Valley Racecourse: Stewards Box on 4/F to 6/F, Voting Members Box on 5/F, Owners Pavilion, Owners Box on 2/F, 3/F and 6/F. No food and drink will be served to customers. Only seating will be provided.

7. No racecourse cross-betting will be available for the above race meetings.

8. From 7 February, the Club will open 67 Off-Course Betting Branches to provide the services of betting account deposits or withdrawals, cash-in of cash vouchers or winning tickets and opening or re-activation of betting accounts. Betting services will not be available. The Club will make appropriate adjustments of the opening arrangements in response to the prevailing situation of COVID-19 and its impact to different districts. Customers may visit the Club’s website at for the latest information. In addition, the opening hours of OCBBs from 4 February will be changed to 12:00 nn to 6:00 pm.


* Customers must be aged 18 or above

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