Horse Racing
Season 2017/2018
2017 Nov
Simulcast and betting arrangements for Melbourne Cup Day with Quartet & First 4 Merged Pool and “Winning Region” on offer

05/11/2017 15:03

HKJC Horse Race Betting Limited will simulcast six of the Melbourne Cup Day races from Flemington Racecourse, Australia on Tuesday 7 November 2017. Bets will be accepted* for these overseas races.

The tickets sales for Melbourne Cup Day races will be available from 12:00 noon on 6 November (subject to further announcement by the Club).

A jackpot of $168,983 is available for Double Trio. The Winning Region composites will be defined at 12:00 noon on the same day.

Race times and betting pools

The first race of the Melbourne Cup Day will start at 10:25 am on Tuesday 7 November and these overseas races will be scheduled as S2-1 to S2-6. Details of the post time and betting pools are:

Post Time (HK time) Overseas races Betting Pools
S2-1 10:25 am Schweppes Flemington Fling Win
Quinella Place
Quartet & First 4 Merged Pool
Double Trio: (S2-3 and S2-4)
Treble: (S2-4 to S2-6)
Winning Region (S2-3)
S2-2 11:00 am Lexus Hybrid Plate (Desirable Stakes)
S2-3 12:00 nn Melbourne Cup
S2-4 1:05 pm James Boag’s Premium Stakes (Melbourne Cup Day Plate)
S2-5 1:45 pm MSS Security Sprint (Always Welcome Stakes)
S2-6 2:20 pm The Hong Kong Jockey Club Stakes (Maybe Mahal Stakes)
– All Up as well as Cross Pool All Up betting is available between S2 overseas races, but cannot be combined with the local races
– All Up is not available for Winning Region (Composite Win)
– Rebates are not available on bets placed on overseas races
– If there is no winner for the Double Trio, the jackpot generated will be carried forward to the Singapore Gold Cup Day on 12 November 2017
– The final betting pool arrangement is subject to the final announcement of the Club

Broadcast arrangements

Simulcast races will be broadcast on TV and radio, as well as at Off-Course Betting Branches (OCBBs).  Customers can also review the overseas races at one hour after the running of the race. 

10:10 am until the end of S2-6
TVB J2 Channel
Cable TV Channel 64 &
HD 203
now TV now668 & 630 Channel
Racing Touch^
UTV C+ Channel
Off-Course Betting Branches
Live commentary 8 minutes before each race
Commercial Radio AM864
Hong Kong Toolbar
Free entry to public from 9:30 am
Public Stand of Happy Valley Racecourse

‘S2’ must be indicated for overseas race bets

Customers betting with cash or through Interactive Services** on overseas races should mark the ‘S2 box’ and race number of the overseas race on the ticket or as required by the Interactive Services interfaces.  Those placing bets via Telebet should clearly indicate the overseas race and race number to the operators. Those using the 1886 Telebet Automated Services should input ‘overseas race’ and the race number respectively.

If ‘S2’ or ‘Overseas race’ is not indicated as required, any bets placed will be accepted as bets for the corresponding local race.

Odds and starter information for overseas races

The odds and starter information for overseas races will be available at all OCBBs, via Interactive Services, and on the Odds and Information Hotline 1835888.

Ticket Sales Arrangement for the Overseas Races

Ticket sales for the Melbourne Cup Day races will be available from 12:00 pm tomorrow (6 November). Selling hours# for the overseas race are:

OCBBs# Telebet and 1886 Telebet Automated Services Interactive Services** Happy Valley Racecourse
12:00 pm to
11:00 pm
12:00 pm to 4:15 am on the following day 12:00 pm to 4:15 am on the following day Off
9:00 am to
start of S2-6
5:30 am to
start of S2-6
5:30 am to
start of S2-6
9:30 am to
start of S2-6

* All customers must be aged 18 and above

**   Interactive Services supporting the service – Online Betting Service (eWin) , Mobile Betting Service, Mango devices and MangoPRO betting app.  For enquiries, please call 1818.

# Some OCBBs close earlier while business hours of other betting channels may change.  Please for updated information.

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