Horse Racing
40th Asian Racing Conference closes in Sapporo after enriching, challenging discussions

30/08/2024 21:27

Asian Racing Federation Chairman and Hong Kong Jockey Club Chief Executive Officer Mr Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges at the Asian Racing Conference closing ceremony in Sapporo.
Asian Racing Federation Chairman and Hong Kong Jockey Club Chief Executive Officer Mr Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges at the Asian Racing Conference closing ceremony in Sapporo.

The 40th Asian Racing Conference (ARC) closed in Sapporo, Japan tonight with Asian Racing Federation (ARF) Chairman Mr Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges describing the conference as a “resounding success.”

Praising the “exceptional work” of Conference host, the Japan Racing Association, and the ARC Organising Committee, Mr Engelbrecht-Bresges said the ARC had been enriching and challenging for more than 800 delegates from 40 countries who attended nine business programme sessions which covered topics vital to horseracing’s future.

“Over the past few days, we have witnessed a great convergence of minds, talents, and passions, all dedicated to the sustainable and collective advancement of thoroughbred racing and breeding,” Mr Engelbrecht-Bresges, the Hong Kong Jockey Club’s Chief Executive Officer, said at the closing ceremony crowned by the official handover of the ARC flag to the Jockey Club of Saudi Arabia, which will host the 41st Asian Racing Conference in Riyadh in 2026.

“On the opening morning of the business programme, we spoke about the four biggest challenges that we face as a sport – industry fragmentation, social acceptability, growth of illegal and offshore operators, and the sport’s long-term commercial sustainability.

“While there is no doubt that these are major challenges which we all face, regardless of the size and success of our individual jurisdictions, they are far from insurmountable. And particularly so when we are all moving in the same direction.

“If anything, this Conference has reinforced to me that racing has never been so engaged and so determined in seeking to proactively address these issues, and in a more unified and holistic way.”

Asian Racing Federation Chairman and Hong Kong Jockey Club Chief Executive Officer Mr Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges, Hong Kong Jockey Club Executive Director, Racing and Asian Racing Federation Secretary-General Mr Andrew Harding and His Royal Highness Prince Bandar Bin Khalid Al Faisal at the ARC flag handover.
Asian Racing Federation Chairman and Hong Kong Jockey Club Chief Executive Officer Mr Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges, Hong Kong Jockey Club Executive Director, Racing and Asian Racing Federation Secretary-General Mr Andrew Harding and His Royal Highness Prince Bandar Bin Khalid Al Faisal at the ARC flag handover.

Mr Engelbrecht-Bresges said the conference’s 52 speakers had enriched and challenged delegates with thought-provoking examinations of the industry’s most pressing issues.

“I would also like to extend my appreciation to our speakers, who have generously shared their expertise and insights, enriching our perspectives and challenging us to think beyond the conventional,” Mr Engelbrecht-Bresges said.

“Over the week we also explored a raft of other significant issues impacting racing – from the new but very real threat of gene doping, to the future of global breeding, to achieving greater diversity and inclusivity at all levels of the sport.

“While we can often get weighed down by the significant challenges we face, there was an air of positivity amongst attendees given some of the major developments that have been achieved, particularly across the ARF footprint. Not least the continued growth of racing in the Gulf region and the re-establishment of horse exports from South Africa to Europe.

“Having talked to many of you over the week, this Conference is seen as a great success and very important in the eyes of the participants. To you, I say thank you for your enthusiasm, engagement, and dedication. It is your energy that has brought this Conference to life.

“This simply would not have been possible without the exceptional work done by our host, the JRA, and the ARC Organising Committee. Thank you, Yoshida-san and Goto-san – your team has done a quite outstanding job.

“The JRA and ARF teams have worked in great collaboration, seamlessly and tirelessly over a long period to make this Conference the success that it is – so I must say a huge thank you and congratulations. I would like to particularly thank Tom Hashimoto and the team, as well as the ARF team led by James Ogilvy, for working so diligently to execute a first-class event, with Andrew Harding our Secretary-General overseeing the work.

“And, finally, my sincere thanks to our moderator David Eades. I’m sure that you will all agree that his expertise, poise and ability to guide the discussions over the past three days were – as always – instrumental in making the ARC a resounding success.”