Horse Racing
Asian Racing Federation re-elects Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges as Chair and Masayuki Goto and Mohammad Saeed Al Shehhi as Vice-Chairs

28/08/2024 09:37

Mr. Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges
Mr. Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges

The Asian Racing Federation (ARF) Executive Council has re-elected Mr. Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges as Chair, and Mr. Masayuki Goto and Mr. Mohammad Saeed Al Shehhi as Vice-Chairs, at its meeting in Sapporo, Japan on the eve of the 40th Asian Racing Conference (ARC).

These appointments run until the conclusion of the 41st ARC in 2026.

Mr. Engelbrecht-Bresges, who has served as Chair of the ARF since 2014 after a previous term from 2007-09, said: “I look forward to continue working with my valued colleagues and members of the ARF to overcome the significant challenges facing our sport. I would like to thank the members of the Executive Council who have entrusted me to lead the Federation into the future.”

Mr. Goto said: “I welcome the opportunity to continue to help strengthen racing and breeding for the benefit of all ARF members and I am honoured to be re-elected as a Vice-Chair.”

Mr. Al Shehhi, who was first elected as an ARF Vice-Chair in March 2024, said: “I am very grateful to be re-elected, and excited by the prospect of furthering the ARF’s contribution to thoroughbred racing globally.”

The 40th ARC runs from Tuesday (27 August) until Sunday (1 September) in Sapporo.