Horse Racing
Morning Track Work of HK and CRC - 2024/2025 Season

03/06/2024 17:36

The schedule for the re-opening of training facilities for the 2024/2025 Season is as follows:

A. Last Trials and Stall Tests of this season



1. All Weather Trials

Friday, 12 July

Thursday, 4 July

2. Stall Tests / 1800 chute gallops

Thursday, 11 July

Tuesday, 2 July

B. Training Facilities



1. Equine Pool

a. Main Stable Equine Pool

Closed from 15 July to 1 Aug, reopen on 2 Aug at 4:00am

b. Olympic Stable Equine Pool

Closed from 15 July to 1 Aug, reopen on 2 Aug at 4:00am

c. CRC Equine Pool

Closed after morning track work on 14 July, reopen on 30 July at 4:00am

2. Trotting Rings

Closed from 15 to 21 July, reopen on 22 to 28 July from 4:30 - 8:00am. Resume normal operation hours from 29 July (4:00 - 8:45am; 2:15 - 5:00pm)

Remains open

3. Large All Weather Track

Closed from 15 to 28 July, reopen on 29 July at 4:45am

Closed after morning track work on 14 July, reopen on 23 July at 5:00am

4. Small All Weather Track

Closed from 15 to 28 July, reopen on 29 July at 4:45am (In clockwise direction)

Closed after morning track work on 14 July, reopen on 23 July at 5:00am

5. Bridle Path

Closed from 15 to 28 July, reopen on 29 July at 4:45am


6. Uphill Gallops  


Closed from 10 July after track work, reopen on 6 August

7. Spelling Yards


Closed from 13 June - 4 Jul, reopen on 5 July

8. Riverside Gallops

Closed from 15 to 28 July, reopen on 29 July at 3:45am


C. Commencement dates for trials, stall tests and turf gallops



1. All Weather Trials

Friday, 23 August

Thursday, 15 August

2. Additional AWT Trials (only if required)

Wednesdays 28 August & 4 September


3. Grass Trials



a. ST

Saturday, 31 August 6:00pm

b. HV

Saturday, 7 September

c. CRC

Monday, 26 August

4. Turf Gallops

Closed from 10 July, reopen on 3 September (booking is required)

Closed after morning track work on 13 July, reopen on 12 August

5. Stall Tests / 1800 chute gallops

Thursday, 22 August

Tuesday, 13 August

6. Parade Ring Schooling

Monday, 2 September


7. Barrier Practice at the infield of Trotting Ring


Wednesday, 14 August