Horse Racing
Season 2023/2024
2023 Aug
Relaunch of Correct Score Options on 12 September

29/08/2023 11:08

HKJC Football announces that the Correct Score Options will be relaunched on 12 September under new names to enhance customers’ understanding of the four options available for their selection.

The four options are: “Home Others (Away No Goal)”, “Home Others (Away Scores)”, “Away Others (Home No Goal)” and “Away Others (Home Scores)”.

The renamed Correct Score Options are designed to reflect the definitions of the betting options available to our customers. With a view to ensure customers’ understanding of the renamed options, communication will be provided in Off-Course Betting Branches (“OCBBs”) and via other channels.

Placing bets on the renamed Correct Score Options will be available through OCBBs, Telebet, and 1886 Telebet Automated Services. They will also be available via the Digital Channels, namely Online Betting Service (eWin), Classic 3-in-1, and GoalX app. Upon the relaunch, a variety of notices will be displayed on Digital Channels to detail the changes to Correct Score Options, while customers placing bets with football tickets may approach our staff in OCBBs for assistance.

Customers may refer to our dedicated webpage for the relaunch for details of the Correct Score Options.

In addition, customers who wish to settle their bets early may do so with the “Early Settlement” function on the GoalX app which is currently in use, or through other Digital Channels in 2023.

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