Horse Racing
Jockey M Chadwick

01/07/2023 21:40

Jockey M Chadwick, who was stood down by the Club’s Chief Medical Officer after sustaining an injury to his back whilst dismounting from MAN LIGHT at today’s Sha Tin racemeeting, is unable to fulfil his race riding engagements at the Sha Tin racemeeting to be conducted on Monday, 3 July 2023.

Accordingly, the Stewards have approved the following riding substitutions:-

Race 1:    A Badel on MEDIC ELITE
Race 2:    M Dee on SUPER CLASS
Race 3:    M Dee on MR FUN
Race 4:    A Badel on GLUCK RACER
Race 5:    M L Yeung on HUGE WIN
Race 6:    C L Chau on STREET SCREAM
Race 7:    K Teetan on CALIFORNIA VOCE

A further release will be issued at the appropriate time advising when Jockey Chadwick will be able to resume riding.