Horse Racing
Season 2022/2023
2023 Jan
List of successful applicants for 2022/2023 PPG Import Permits

31/01/2023 14:14

The following amendments are made to the above list:-

Delete    :    1. Yip Shu Bun & Ms Antonia Liu Wing Yan
                  2. Xiao Jing Ru
                  3. Lo Ching Tat, Nichole
                      Chen, Gavin Jiating
                  4. Master Syndicate

Add       :    1. Cheng Ka Sing, Calvin
                  2. Lam Jing Shing, Wilson
                      Lam Chung Kit
                  3. Chang, George
                  4. Ma Ching Fat


(Promoted from the Reserve and Tender/Auction List for PPG published on 10 June 2021)


N.B.   Cheng Ka Sing, Calvin; Lam Jing Shing, Wilson & Lam Chung Kit; Chang, George and Ma Ching Fat’s names are removed from the Reserve and Tender/Auction List for PPG published on 10 June 2021.


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