Horse Racing
Season 2022/2023
2022 Nov
Trainer Challenge to offer in-play selling from this Wednesday

28/11/2022 10:22

With effect from this Wednesday’s race meeting (30 November), the Trainer Challenge will offer in-play betting service* with the sale closing at the start of the third-last race, instead of the start of the first race. This adjustment will align the selling arrangement for the Trainer Challenge with that of the Jockey Challenge. Please refer to the table below for the new selling hours of the Trainer Challenge:

Betting Channels

Selling Hours of Trainer Challenge (with effect from 30 November)


Day Meeting
(10 or 11 Local Races)

Night Meeting
(8 or 9 Local Races)

Pre-selling Day


Pre-selling Day




For 10 races:
From the commencement of betting services until the start of Race 8
For 11 races:
From the commencement of betting services until the start of Race 9


For 8 races:
From the commencement of betting services until the start of Race 6
For 9 races:
From the commencement of betting services until the start of Race 7

Off-Course Betting Branches

5 pm to 10 pm

For 10 races:
9 am to the start of Race 8

For 11 races:
9 am to the start of Race 9

5 pm to 10 pm

For 8 races:
12 noon to the start of Race 6

For 9 races:
12 noon to the start of Race 7

Digital Channels#

* All customers must be aged 18 or above

# Digital Channels include Online Betting Service (eWin), Classic 3-in-1 and Racing Touch App

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