Horse Racing
Season 2021/2022
2021 Dec
Licensing Committee’s Decision

21/12/2021 16:48

The Licensing Committee has noted that on 19 December 2021, Trainer David Ferraris informed the Club of his intention to relinquish his Trainer’s Licence after the race meeting on 22 December 2021, and has resolved that pursuant to the request of Trainer David Ferraris, his Trainer’s Licence be withdrawn with effect from 23 December 2021 in accordance with the authority of the Committee under Rule 18 of the Rules of Racing.

The Jockey Club’s Head of Dual Site Stables Operations and Owners Services, K L Cheng and his team are working with all relevant horse owners to address the inconvenience caused to them.

Pursuant to Rule 8(14) of the Rules of Racing, the Stewards of the Jockey Club agreed to suspend the application of Instruction 33 of the Rules of Racing and Instructions in respect of the horses currently under the training of Trainer David Ferraris that are transferring stables as a result of his departure to minimise the impact on the relevant Owners, subject to certain conditions relating to, among other things, veterinary examination and sample testing.

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