Horse Racing
Jockey C Soumillon

10/12/2020 19:45

As C Soumillon has been stood down from his race riding engagements for the Sha Tin racemeeting to be conducted on Sunday, 13 December 2020 by order of the Stewards, the following riding substitutions have been approved:-

Race 1: C Y Ho on SUNSET WATCH
Race 2: J Moreira on ULTIMATE GLORY
Race 3: V Borges on ARROGANT
Race 4: C Y Ho on HO HO KHAN
Race 5: A Badel on COMPUTER PATCH
Race 6: M F Poon on LUCKY PATCH
Race 7: R Moore on ADMIRE MARS
Race 8: Z Purton on NORMCORE
Race 10: R Moore on SUPER WEALTHY